Kelly Sanchez

Animation, Print, Web Design, Illustration

Hello, I’m Kelly, a motion graphics, print, and web designer, who is passionate about animation and visual communication! Based in Flagstaff, Arizona, I am completing a Bachelor of Science degree at Arizona State University in Graphics Information Technology, with an emphasis in 2d & 3d animation and web design.

I started my professional career with an education in business management and worked in customer service management for 20 years. Throughout that time, design and visual communication stayed with me in the form of creative projects, until I finally decided life was too short not to spend it doing something I love.

My passion for animation started for me as a child watching the Lion King (I saw it so many times I wore out the VHS tape). It has grown with me into an appreciation and respect of the impact visual communications can have.

Now, my education and professional experience with connecting with audiences, together helps me craft memorable designs. I want to use these powers for good and help promote small businesses and charities.